Thanksgiving is a day that is filled with food, family, and football. Travel plans are being made right about now. Plane and train tickets are being purchased, routes are being planned for those who are driving and menus are being planned. Thanksgiving is a holiday that families try to be together for.  Even more so than Christmas I think. Yes, Christmas is a holiday that families and friends get together for, but the focus  is primarily about the gifts. But Thanksgiving, it is all about sharing a delicious meal with friends and family. 

This is where coveted family recipes make rare but important appearances.  The fine china and silver are laid out on the family table.  Long remembered stories and family anecdotes are shared. Family memories and traditions are important, especially during the holiday. 

So, if you are planning your first Thanksgiving, give a thought to what you would like your tradition to be.  If you are travelling to visit family or friends, then relish the memories and the time honored traditions that your family brings to the holiday.  

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